January 12, 2012

Nail Polish: "Pink Forever"

Like I've said before, I'm NOT a fan of painting my nails. Some people find it soothing, I find it annoying. But its a necessary evil, since I do love the look of a good manicure... Here's one of my favorite pink polishes that you can find at a local drugstore! 

2 Coats + Top Coat

Sinful Colors Nailpolish in "Pink Forever"

I'm a sucker for a bright pink polish ;-) Have you ever tried Sinful Colors nail polish? With a good top coat, it works for me!

2 for $2.32: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/sinful-colors-professional-nail-enamel/ID=prod1550389-product



  1. Whaaat that's super cheap. Looks good! I love barbie pink nails :)

  2. I know! So inexpensive... and my nailpolishes chip no matter how expensive they are, so I might as well you cheap ones right!? ;)
